Iberiana – იბერია გუშინ, დღეს, ხვალ

სოჭი, აფხაზეთი, სამაჩაბლო, დვალეთი, ჰერეთი, სამცხე, ჯავახეთი, ტაო-კლარჯეთი იყო და მუდამ იქნება საქართველო!!!

გუდანის ჯვრის პეტროგლიფი

Posted by iberiana on დეკემბერი 20, 2012

g5  გუდანის ჯვრის პეტროგლიფის კოსმოგონიური  ასპექტები

   ეგვიპტური და ქართველური სამყაროს კავშირებზე პირველი ცნობები ეკუთვნის ისტორიის მამად წოდებულ ჰეროდოტეს, რომლისთვისაც კოლხთა და ეგვიპტელთა მსგავსება ეჭვს არ იწვევდა. ამ მოსაზრებას კიდევ უფრო ამყარებს უკრაინელი ენათმეცნიერი ფილოლოგიურ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი– იური მოსენკისი.

ძველეგვიპტურის და პროტოქართველული ენების შედარებითი ლინგვისტური ანალიზის საფუძველზე იგი მივიდა დასკვნამდე, რომ ორი უმთავრესი ეგვიპტური ღმერთი, რომელიც ეგვიპტეში უცხოდ ითვლებოდა, არის ქართველური სამყაროდან შესული. ესენი არიან თოთი და ოსირისი.

ოსირისის ისტორია შინაარსობრივ მსგავსებას ამჟღავნებს ამირანის მითთან. გასათვალისწინებელია ისიც, რომ ამირანის მამას რაჭულ ვერსიაში სირა ქვია. სახელი “სირა” აქამდე გაურკვეველი შინაარსის ცნებას წარმოადგენდა. ჩვენ კი იგი შეგვიძლია დავუკავშიროთ  ძველ ეგვიპტურ სირ-ს, რომელიც ორიონის სახელია.

   შეიძლება დაუჯერებლად მოგვეჩვენოს, მაგრამ ორიონის, თოთის და ეგვიპტის თემას დამამტკიცებელი არგუმენტი მოეძებნება ხევსურეთში…


One Response to “გუდანის ჯვრის პეტროგლიფი”

  1. What Is Nibiru And Where Do They Come From?

    According to Alex Collier:
    Next is “Butese” [spelling uncertain]: Nibiru we know them today. They established their first Eden 585,133 years ago in Cairo, Egypt. Then Orion sent another team here 87,300 years ago which was established in Perth, Australia. The Earth was not in the position that it is laying in now. If you were to take the planet as it is today and literally lay in on its side this is where they were colonizing, but these are the locations that we know today.

    Val: Here’s another question that was submitted to me: “You mentioned that the Lemurians and Atlanteans were extraterrestrials and you also mentioned Nibiru. Tell us about Nibiru and its role and relationship to us in this solar system.”

    Alex: This is what I have been told about who those connected with Nibiru are. A very long time ago, colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were having trouble with each other. In order to bring peace, there was a marriage between two members of each group. The woman came from the Orion Group, where the hierarchy includes a queen – the matriarchal paradigm.

    The male was from Sirius B. Both members were considered royalty of their respective line. When these two came together in marriage, their offspring had the genetics from both lines. Because of these genetics, the new race that was created was given the name “Nibiru”, which I am told by Morenae in the Orion tongue means “divided amongst two”. This is who they literally are – a cross between those from Sirius B and a race from the Orion system. They formed a new “tribe” which has continued to flourish for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

    So, they are a tribe that has become a race.

    >Nibiru from where we get the name Hebrew from. Nibiru / Hibiru / Hebrew. Nibiru has nothing to do with Sitchins planet X but means something entirely different.

    >Nibiru comes from “Butese” according to Alex Collier. This is mistake made on purpose I recon because I believe Alex Collier is not allowed to say where Nibiru originally comes from.

    alex collier butese

    This is almost…. all you will ever want to know about the all seeing eye or eye of providence!
    >The all seeing eye is a fantastic symbol despite having negative connotations nowadays, whats so fascinating about the all seeing eye is that its found in different continents around the world from different time periods with slight differences between each culture in describing the so called “evil eye”.

    >The evil eye represents the head god of the masonic pantheon of gods and has been called many names throughout history so its hard to give this god a particular name.

    >The all seeing eye represents the apostle Paul from the new testament and the Bible refers to it sometimes in the old testament aswell with the “an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” quote as an example of it.

    >Paul’s disease in his eye:
    Galatians 4:14
    “Even though my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, as if I were Christ Jesus himself. What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me.”

    >He also says:
    Galatians 6:11
    “See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand!”

    >So we can savely concur that it is indeed the apostle Paul who is the all seeing eye in biblical scripture seeing as he’s blind in one eye.

    >Okay, Okay onto the more interesting stuff:

    >Top left of the picture we have the all seeing eye of Ra also known as the eye of Horus. In ancient Egyptian mythology the god Horus lost his eye in a skirmish with the god Seth but this was probably in a time when they were viewed as two different gods rather than two gods in one.

    >Then next one down with have two small pictures of statue heads of the goddess Hera with one eye on each statue/picture which appears to be marked in a different more vibrant colour to possibly indicate that the eye has been damaged.

    >Depending on the religion or mythlogy determines how this particlar gods eye was lost.

    >At the top second picture along we have the god Balor the evil eye who in Irish mythology was thought to be the king of the Formarians. Balor was also thought to be able to shoots laser beams out of his eye and when he died he hit the ground and his eye carved a huge crater in the ground which later became a lake.

    >Then we have Polyphemus (the part of the name phemus indicates fame) the cyclops god who has one eye in ancient greek mythology. Cyclops were thought to make lightening bolts for the god Zeus in mount Olympus in Greek mythology.

    Acts 13:2
    “Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker.”

    >Then next we have three women known as “the Graeae” who in ancient greek mythology shared one eye and one tooth between the three of them just like the bible quote mentions! And is mentioned in the greek mytholgy by story tellers who said that the hero Perseus forced them to tell him the where abouts of three objects in order to kill the infamous Medusa. There are three Graeae because each of them represents a star in Orion’s belt; Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka, this also hints at the whereabouts of the all seeing eye; so it must be in the constellation of Orion somewhere.

    >In ancient times when there was no light pollution in the sky the reddish hue in a shape of a circle could be seen in the night sky shaped like an eye in the constellation of Orion.

    >Then we have Odin the norse god who lost his eye in battle; again only has one eye.

    >And finally we have two mixtec masks with one of them with one eye missing (apostle Paul) and has a tongue sticking out which represents another god and the biblical apostle Barnabas, the mask shows dualistic features. While the blue one looks like it has a cataract in one eye to designate blindness and has a good eye to designate the mixtec equivalent god of the biblical apostle Paul.

    >Barnabas and Paul from the bible were once one and the same being:
    “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul (Paul) for the work to which I have called them.”

    >According to contactee Alex Collier crop circles are fifth density symbology which are messages to the hollow earth which have affected crops to make bizarre symbols in the crop fields.

    >If this is the case that crop circles are fifth density symbols then they are coming out as third density symbols on the crops so we are only seeing a small portion of the actual symbology.

    >Also to note I found a startling find in one particlar place in the Ashbury crop circle which seems to suggest not only where the eye of providence used by freemasons and in mythology is but also that certain stars and nebulas occupy more than one density at a time.

    >This crop circle in Ashbury shows that the stars Bellatrix and Betelgeuse occupy fifth density as well as thrid density and that the nebula called SH2 264 not only exists in one density but also exists in fifth density also. According to Ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Horus who is the god of the all seeing eye symbol lost one of his eyes to the ancient Egyptian god Seth which is why he has only one eye. So the nebula could represent warfare and the warfare between extraterrestrial factions could have lead to the creation of the nebula. in multiple densities.

    აქ წერილი ინტერნეტში ადრევე იყო გამოქვეყნებული და აქაც ასეთივე მიმსგავსებაა ვასრკვლავების განლაგებასთან


დატოვე კომენტარი